Medical-Related Business

The Alfresa Group is actively expanding its business fields toward the realization of a Healthcare Consortium. We are meeting a variety of medical needs through our dispensing pharmacy business and other medical-related businesses.

The figure shown is are as of March, 2024.
Strengths and Features of the Medical-Related Business
1Dispensing Pharmacy Business
In the Medical-Related Business, we operate 179 dispensing pharmacies from Hokkaido to Kansai region, mainly in Kanto and Tohoku regions.

As as of March, 2024
2Contributing to Community Healthcare
In the pharmacy business, we aim for all its dispensing pharmacies to function like a "family pharmacy" with solid roots in their communities. We are reinforcing functions by focusing our efforts on strengthening home care service capabilities, hiring and utilizing dietitians in a move toward preventative medical care, and acquiring “health support pharmacy” accreditation. We aim to obtain certifications as community cooperation pharmacies and specialized medical institution cooperation pharmacies, while responding to the revised Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Act that came into effect in August 2021.

3Initiatives in the Healthcare Field
In our pharmacies, we sell OTC pharmaceuticals and health foods handled by the Self-medication products wholesaling business, and private brand products from APOCREAT Corporation. In addition, we offer dietary and nutritional consultations by registered dietitians.

Business Policy
Provide family pharmacies that can be used at any stage of care across a person’s life journey, from preventive to terminal care
Home Care Service Initiatives to Achieve Business Growth
- Create a home-centric care system within communities by establishing home support centers equipped with a pharmacy
- Put forth efforts related to the Community-Based Integrated Care System, such as acquiring pharmacy accreditation
DX-Driven Business Reforms
- Promote digital treatment, such as online drug administration guidance
Presymptomatic Illness and Prevention Initiatives
- Create initiatives related to e-commerce sites and mail-order sales