Corporate Profile

as of June 26, 2024

Corporate Name Alfresa Holdings Corporation
Representative Ryuji Arakawa, Representative Director & President
Address 1-1-3 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan


Established September 29, 2003
Business Domain Management of subsidiaries that deal with wholesaling, manufacturing, marketing and import/export of pharmaceuticals, diagnostic reagents, medical devices/equipment, etc., and operating dispensing pharmacies and conducting related businesses.
Paid-in Capital ¥18,454 million
Directors, Audit & Supervisory Board Members and Executive Officers
Ryuji Arakawa Representative Director & President
Seiichi Kishida Representative Director & Executive Vice President
Yusuke Fukujin Representative Director & Executive Vice President
Shigeki Ohashi Director, Vice President & Executive Officer
Toshiki Tanaka Director, Vice President & Executive Officer
Hisashi Katsuki Director
Koichi Shimada Director
Takashi Hara Director (Outside Director)
Manabu Kinoshita Director (Outside Director)
Toshie Takeuchi Director (Outside Director)
Kimiko Kunimasa Director (Outside Director)
Masakazu Ozaki Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Standing)
Yuji Ueda Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Standing)
Yoshitaka Kato Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside)
Takashi Ito Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside)
Hiroshi Kizaki Audit & Supervisory Board Member (Outside)
Kazuaki Hano Executive Officer
Soichi (Sean) Nemoto Executive Officer
Toshikazu Urakabe Executive Officer
Takashi Sasaki Executive Officer
Miki Oguchi Executive Officer
Naruhiko Sano Executive Officer

Health & Productivity Management Declaration

Alfresa Holdings’ Health & Productivity Management Declaration

In order to raise corporate value as a corporate group operating in health-related industry, we strive to maintain and improve a pleasant working environment in which every employee can play an active role with good physical and mental health conditions, and promote various efforts for better health

Ryuji Arakawa
Representative Director & President
Alfresa Holdings Corporation

Health & Productivity Management Policy

  1. We raise our employees’ awareness of health.
  2. We understand the health issues of our employees.
  3. We work to improve the mental and physical health of our employees.
  4. We strive to maintain and improve a healthier and more comfortable working environment.
  5. We proactively reform work styles and achieve work-life balance.

In March 2024, Alfresa Holdings was recognized as an organization under the certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program in the small-to-medium-sized enterprise category for the three consecutive year. The program is jointly led by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and Nippon Kenko Kaigi.