Empowering Our People
Basic Policy
The Alfresa Group’s philosophy is “We create and deliver a fresh life for all.” In pursuit of this philosophy, it is essential to establish a proper working environment that allows our people to tackle their jobs with good health, a positive mindset, and strong motivation. The Group views the changing social environment as an opportunity for growth, and believes that the starting point for business growth is to ensure that its diverse talent pool can all develop and demonstrate their capabilities. Accordingly, the Group respects the human rights of our people and works hard to build a continually improving working environment.
The Alfresa Group’s Diversity Policy
The Alfresa Group takes care of and proactively welcomes diverse talent by preparing workplaces that facilitate diverse workstyle choices.
The Group nurtures a corporate culture able to constantly take on new challenges by allowing all of our people to utilize their abilities to their fullest in a rewarding and vibrant environment.
<The Alfresa Group’s Diversity>
The Alfresa Group’s Diversity refers to the diversity of our valuable people, and includes not only appearance but also personality and values such as gender, age, race, nationality, disability, health status, culture, religion, occupation and employment status, work style and values.
The Alfresa Group’s engine is its diverse talent, and for this talent to maximize their abilities we are pushing a head to promote diversity and work-life balance based on the Alfresa Group Diversity Policy while ensuring that our work environments allow each employee to utilize their abilities to the fullest, allow our diverse talent to work with vigor, and to grow on their own, pursuing happiness, with our aim to sustain growth for the entire Group.
Promotion of Diversity
The Alfresa Group recognizes that, to achieve its goal of becoming a Healthcare Consortium, it must accurately identify diverse needs and adapt to changes in the business environment. With the objective of fostering an organization with diverse values and individuality, the Group promotes the active recruitment and promotion of women as well as the employment of seniors and people with disabilities. In doing so, the Group creates an environment that allows individuals to fully demonstrate their potential and makes the most of its diverse people.
Talent Development
Since Alfresa Group companies are engaged in businesses related to human life and health, it is imperative that they execute their operations stably. It is the Group’s more than 10,000 people, with their strong sense of mission, who make this possible. The Alfresa Group regards its people as its greatest asset and develops their valuable talents, equipping them to share and practice the Group’s principles while respecting each and every person’s individuality and values.
Talent Needed
The Alfresa Group has formulated a set of values and the code of conduct common to all employees as the Alfresa Group's Requirements for Our Valuable People, based on "Our Promises," which make up part of the Alfresa Group's principles. Having each employee put these values and code into practice in his or her daily duties will generate a higher level of Group synergy and lead to the realization of the Group's principles.
Policy on Talent Development and Management
The Alfresa Group combines Groupwide talent development programs and individual talent training programs at each Group company in human resource training programs designed to drive future growth. Alfresa Holdings Corporation operates and further expands the Group training programs every year, with the aim of nurturing talent required throughout the Group and fostering core personnel as next-generation management members.
Amid a rapidly changing business environment, the Alfresa Group will strengthen human resource initiatives with the intention of realizing sustainable growth and constantly creating new value.
Group Training Programs
Training program | Target |
Director and executive officer training Acquire basic mindset as a top manager, increase company decision-making capability |
Directors and executive officers |
AEP (Alfresa Group Executive Program) Develop of next-generation management |
General managers |
ASPAC (Alfresa Group Study Program Abroad Course) Cultivate of global thinking and perspective |
Branch / section managers to executive officers / general managers |
ABS (Alfresa Group Business School) Nurture candidates for next-generation management |
Section managers to young branch managers |
Third-Year Employees Seminar Nurture a spirit to take on challenges among third-year employees |
Employees in their third year |
Fresh Members’ Seminar Share the Group’s principles, etc. |
New recruits |
Hospital sales representative training Establish a marketing style to match the environmental changes in hospitals |
Hospital sales representatives |
* Shaded fields represent specialist talent training.
Personnel Evaluations
The Alfresa Group strives to conduct fair and satisfactory personnel evaluations for its people. Group companies have introduced evaluation systems that combine competency evaluations and self-evaluations with evaluations based on professional ability and achievement against pre-established goals and targets.
Work-Life Balance
Advancement of Work-Life Balance
The Group has been engaged in a Groupwide effort designed to help our people achieve work-life balance, enhance their productivity, and stay highly motivated on the job. Initiatives includes seeking to reduce overtime hours and encouraging use of paid leave. We are also striving to create an environment where people feel free to utilize childcare and nursing care leave. Some Group companies are introducing of a job return system, an expansion of the scope of applicable people for short working hours for childcare or nursing care, and the payment of childcare allowance.
Promotion of a Rewarding Working Environment and Promotion of Health
The Alfresa Group, which does business in the healthcare industry, recognizes that it is vital to help our people to maintain and strive to improve their mental and physical health. Group companies provide regular health checkups, and encourage those with positive findings to have secondary examinations. The Group has also expanded support for women’s cancer screenings and is enhancing initiatives such as making screening results visible by introducing a health management system and providing health improvement education. In addition, as an initiative to maintain mental health, each Group company conducts stress checks and has provided the Alfresa Group Mental Health Special Help Desk that our people and their families can use for consultation at any time. The Group strives to make efforts to resolve concerns and identify early signs of mental illness by providing adequate supports.

Health and Safety Initiatives
The Group has introduced risk management methods, mainly for its Manufacturing business. We have a policy on preventing occupational accidents and are engaged in health and safety activities.
Engagement with the Labor Union
The Alfresa Group considers that mutual trust and cooperation between labor and management will assist the Group’s development going forward. We aim to provide regular opportunities for dialogue between labor and management of the Group companies, and to cooperate with one another to build healthy relationships.