Message to Shareholders and Investors

  • We are committed to continuously improving corporate value. Ryuji Arakawa Representative Director & President


 One important principle of the Alfresa Group is expressed in Our Philosophy, which is to create and deliver a fresh life for all. We strive for safe, secure, and sincere business activities while pursuing sustainability in management with the dual aim of delivering a sustainable society and continuously improving corporate value.

 The business environment around the Alfresa Group is rapidly changing because of factors such as the super-aged society, a shrinking workforce, the rising cost of social security, technological innovation and digitization, and the Community-Based Integrated Care System evolving across Japan.
 Amid these changes in the business environment, the entire Group is working toward achieving targets of the 22–24 Mid-term Management Plan: Leap into the Future “An Evolving Healthcare Consortium,” which was announced in May 2022. Furthermore, in May 2023, we announced the Alfresa Group’s Medium- to Long-Term Vision, which lays out our medium- to long-term initiatives and policies up to 2032 and is based on business, financial, and capital strategies.

 We aim to enhance corporate value through the strengthening and development of core businesses, growth businesses, and new businesses. At the same time, we will aim to become a Healthcare Consortium that provides products and services in every health-related field as Our Vision under the Alfresa Group’s Principles.