About stock

What is your stock code?

It is 2784. The company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Please tell us about the company's dividend policy and dividend payment.

The Company's policy is to determine dividends based on consolidated financial results, with a target of an annual DOE (dividend on equity) of 2.4% or more from the 22-24 Medium-term Management Plan period, comprehensively considering the enhancement of its financial standing, stability of its management base and future business development.
Please see "Dividends" for the dividend payment information.

When is the general shareholders meeting held?

In June every year. Please see "IR Calendar" for more information.

About the company

When was the company established?

It was established on September 29, 2003.

When did the company list its shares?

With its establishment on September 29, 2003, the company was listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Securities Exchange. Currently, we are listed only on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Please share with us how Alfresa Holdings Corporation was established.

The company was established as a joint holding company through a share transfer by AZWELL Inc. and Fukujin Co., Ltd.

What is the origin of the corporate name "Alfresa"?

Alfresa is a compound word consisting of the English word "all" and an Esperanto word "fresa" which means "fresh" in English. Please see "Corporate Name and Logo".

When is your accounting period?

The closing of the books for the full term is on March 31 every year. For future schedules, please see "IR Calendar".

About investor relations and finances

Where can I find the previous IR materials?

Financial statements, presentation materials and integration reports are available under "IR Library," and news releases are available under "News Release."

Do you provide an IR Mailing Service?

Yes, we do. We sent our IR news by e-mails to those who wish, such as individual shareholders and investors. If you would like to receive them, please register on "Registration to Mailing Service."

How can I stop your IR Mailing Service?

You can stop our IR Mailing Service on “IR Mailing Service.”

About business

Please tell us about your business.

Our main businesses consist of the wholesaling of ethical pharmaceuticals, diagnostic reagents and medical devices/equipment centered on Alfresa Corporation (“Ethical Pharmaceuticals Wholesaling Business” for more details), the wholesaling of OTC pharmaceuticals and other products by Alfresa Healthcare Corporation (“Self-Medication Products Wholesaling Business” for more details), the manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals, diagnostic reagents, active pharmaceutical ingredients and medical devices/equipment, and the contract manufacturing centered on Alfresa Pharma Corporation (“Manufacturing Business” for more details), and the management of dispensing pharmacies by APOCREAT Corporation (“Medical-Related Business” for more details).

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